In celebration of 60 years of excellence in piano teaching and learning at NSMS, we invite you to attend a very special recital, featuring performances by NSMS alumni faculty. Join us on Saturday, November 21st at 8:00PM ET. As we countdown to the recital, we will profile each performer.
When were you at NSMS, and what was your role?
I served as Administrative Director from 2010-2013.
What are you doing now?
I am Associate Professor of Piano & Piano Pedagogy at the University of South Carolina, and I also serve as Director of Teacher Engagement for the Frances Clark Center.
What is your favorite memory from your time at NSMS?
I cannot recall what year this was, but I remember that Louise had attended May recitals at the United Methodist Church in Kingston. This may have been the last or among the last recitals she attended. She was sitting on the couch surrounded by myself and several faculty members—we were all feeling exhausted and exhilarated (and suffering from a sugar crash!). Louise shared her enthusiasm and unwavering support of our work and our students. It was clear that she was basking in the fruits of her labors and pride in how the school continued to guide our students and their families. This moment deepened my profound gratitude for the NSMS community, for the legacy of Louise Goss and Frances Clark, and strengthened my conviction towards recitals for students. Hats off to Louise.
How has NSMS impacted your teaching and your life?
The three years I spent at NSMS were wonderful, and although I felt drawn to return to university life, it was a hard to leave. It has been delightful to reengage with the NSMS in recent years through research projects and my work as Director of Teacher Engagement with the Frances Clark Center. The dedicated, hard-working, collegial, student-centered environment at NSMS is unparalleled. It was so inspiring to participate in that driving force, a community centered around music learning at the piano. It also taught me how important it is to celebrate milestones, as we certainly did with the 50th anniversary of the school.
What will you be playing for the recital?
Pêcheurs de Nuit (Night Fishermen), op. 127, no. 4, by Cécile Chaminade.
Join us in celebrating the legacy of NSMS in words and music! Sign up, and you'll receive links for the recital broadcast and Zoom reception. $10 minimum donation per family.