In celebration of 60 years of excellence in piano teaching and learning at NSMS, we invite you to attend a very special recital, featuring performances by NSMS alumni faculty. Join us on Saturday, November 21st at 8:00PM ET. As we countdown to the recital, we will profile each performer.

When were you at NSMS, and what was your role?
I was at NSMS from 1981-1983 as a teaching fellow in the Professional Department.
What are you doing now?
I am semi-retired in Arizona, serving as Senior Editor for Piano Magazine and Director of Online Courses for the Frances Clark Center.
What is your favorite memory from your time at NSMS?
Too many to choose from, but they include pedagogy sessions with Frances, the students in my first Time to Begin class, and laughing and learning with my teaching colleagues.
How has NSMS impacted your teaching and your life?
My time at NSMS set the course for my professional life. Every lesson, class, or outside professional project since my time there has been designed to achieve the goals set for us at NSMS. Nothing quite like taking the highest professional standards and striving to achieve them in everything you do!
What will you be playing for the recital?
Jesus bleibet meine Freude (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring) by J.S. Bach, transcribed by Myra Hess.

Join us in celebrating the legacy of NSMS in words and music! Sign up, and you'll receive links for the recital broadcast and Zoom reception. $10 minimum donation per family.