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Playing with Chords

Mr. Peter Groch

July 12-15, 6:00-7:00PM 

$120 for four sessions


In this four-day workshop, students will develop the skills to harmonize a melody by ear, play popular tunes from lead sheets, and create piano arrangements of their favorite songs. By analyzing the basic patterns and forms found in popular music, students will uncover some of the mystery behind the music heard on the radio. At the end of the course, each student will create an arrangement of a song of their choice—and be equipped with the skills to play many more!


Ideal for students ages 11-15. Participation will require a basic understanding of triads.


4543 Route 27 

Kingston, NJ 08528



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The New School for Music Study (NSMS) is a division of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy, a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization. NSMS provides instruction to over 300 piano students of all ages and levels, and is internationally recognized for comprehensive teacher education and professional development programs. The Frances Clark Center serves the advancement of piano teaching, learning, and performing through highest quality resources and programs, including: Piano Magazine, the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, the New School for Music Study, Piano Education Press, and Online Teacher Education Programs.

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