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Alumni Spotlight: Gaurav Hardikar

In celebration of our 60th anniversary, we will feature NSMS alumni as part of our Alumni Spotlight series throughout 2020.

Which years were you at NSMS?

I was a student at NSMS from 2006-2018.

Who was your teacher?

Tracy Grandy

What is a favorite NSMS memory?

Learning all of the jazz rags and blues pieces!

What are you doing now?

Studying Mechanical Engineering and German at college,

What role does your education at NSMS play in your life today?

I play the piano several times a week (brought my keyboard to my college apartment) and learn my favorite songs by finding sheet music and watching YouTube videos!

Gaurav, it touches our hearts to see you playing piano in your dorm room, and continuing to learn new music for your own enjoyment! This is truly the gift we wish to give to all of our students.

Are you an NSMS Alum? We'd love to hear from you. Please complete this alumni connection form.


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