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The New School for Music Study Silent Film Celebration
Saturday, March 29, 2025

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Join us for this exciting music and film event! 


Piano students of any age and level will prepare 30-90 seconds of music to accompany a scene from a silent film. Together, the performers will create a continuous, live soundtrack that enhances the film. Before movies had sound, it was common for pianists to provide live accompaniment in theaters. These timeless classics starring Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton are sure to delight audiences of all ages! These entertaining films are only 20-30 minutes in duration.

The Silent Film Celebration will take place on Saturday, March 29th at the AMC Bridgewater 7.

Films will run throughout the day from 12:45pm-6:45pm.


Rehearsals will be held on Saturday, March 22nd, and Sunday, March 23rd. Please note the film time and rehearsal time on the registration form as you are signing up, and be sure to reserve both dates/times on your calendar.


This is a fun and unique performance opportunity for students, as well as a memorable event for audiences. We look forward to showcasing the outstanding artistic achievements of our dedicated students and faculty. Come join us for an inspiring day of music and movies!


Questions? Please contact us at


Register before January 19th for a free T-Shirt!



  1. You can now share this information with your students and invite them to register ASAP. If you’d like them to select a specific film time that you will be able to attend, please instruct them to do so.

  2. After registration closes, you'll be able to select a scene from their film that they will accompany. They can use repertoire they already have in progress, or that they will play for other events during the spring. Original compositions are also welcome, and can work well for this event!

  3. Share the film link with the family, or watch part of the film together in lessons. One way to approach this is to play some of the student’s pieces with possible film scenes and have them decide which scene/ music match works the best. Alternatively, assign the student a scene and then choose music together, or have the student compose music. Teacher-student duets are welcome for younger participants, and NSMS faculty can accompany students on those duets, if needed.

Sponsorships & Advertisements

We would like to invite you or your organization to help sponsor our fourth annual Silent Film Celebration. Your sponsorship will help support NSMS, and your business name can be displayed in the 
credits or program for each film at the movie theater. This is a great opportunity to advertise your organization while partnering with our school!


All sponsorship fees will be 100% tax deductible. The New School for Music Study is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Ticket sales and participation fees from this year’s Silent Film Celebration will go towards supporting ongoing repairs and needed updates to our historic facility. The Silent Film Celebration will showcase the artistic achievements of our students and faculty, and will be a fun event that will engage the local community at large.


Sponsorship and Advertising: Levels and Pricing

Please submit your information by March 1st.


  • Gold Sponsors: $500

    • Name recognition/logo in the program

    • Name and logo displayed on the big screen between films

    • Full-page black & white advertisement inside the program

    • Publicly announced as Gold Sponsor before each film

    • 5 complimentary tickets to film(s) of your choice by request


  • Silver Sponsors: $250

    • Name recognition/logo in the program

    • Name and logo displayed on the big screen between films

    • Full-page black & white advertisement inside the program

    • 2 complimentary tickets to film(s) of your choice by request


  • Full-Page Advertisement: $100

    • Full-page black & white advertisement inside the program


  • Half-Page Advertisement: $75

    • Half-page black & white advertisement inside the program


  • Donors: $25

    • Name listed inside the program


4543 Route 27 

Kingston, NJ 08528



Contact Us

Thanks for your message! We will contact you soon.

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The New School for Music Study (NSMS) is a division of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy, a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization. NSMS provides instruction to over 300 piano students of all ages and levels, and is internationally recognized for comprehensive teacher education and professional development programs. The Frances Clark Center serves the advancement of piano teaching, learning, and performing through highest quality resources and programs, including: Piano Magazine, the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy, the New School for Music Study, Piano Education Press, and Online Teacher Education Programs.

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